About BeenLeaked.com

This site is a small proof of concept project that leverages the amazing project at HaveIBeenPwned.com. Our site leverages HaveIBeenPwnd's API to help you quickly search if your email address is listed in their enormous (3.7 BILLION+) database of breached account information. BeenLeaked.com does NOT store, share or have any information. We simply search the data within HaveIBeenPwned.com and present it on our site in an easy to view manner.

The nerdy purpose of this website is to show off the C# Class Library I built that interacts with HaveIBeenPwd.com. The intention of this search breaches C# Class Library is to use it within other applications to help automatically monitor our users for breaches that they may have been a part of. The hope being that we can help our users and systems stay as secure as possible. If you're interested in my simple class library, please contact me via www.tedkrapf.com.

Here is an uber-simply example for its use:

    string status = "";
    List<HaveiBeenPwnedAPI.API.BreachedAccount> breaches = HaveiBeenPwnedAPI.API.GetBreaches("[email protected]", out status);
    if (breaches.Count() > 0)

Account Search

This site simply searches online databases of compromised account information in an attempt to help you keep your accounts safe and secure. We do not actually have or store any information -- including the usernames and email addresses you enter above.

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